


セッション記号 P (宇宙惑星科学) » P-EM 太陽地球系科学・宇宙電磁気学・宇宙環境

[P-EM29_30AM1] プラズマ宇宙:波動粒子相互作用,粒子加速,相対論的プラズマ

2014年4月30日(水) 09:00 〜 10:45 503 (5F)

コンビーナ:*松清 修一(九州大学大学院総合理工学研究院流体環境理工学部門)、永岡 賢一(核融合科学研究所)、座長:松清 修一(九州大学大学院総合理工学研究院流体環境理工学部門)

10:00 〜 10:15

[PEM29-04] GEMSIS-RCモデル:ドリフト運動論近似に基づく地球内部磁気圏における高エネルギー粒子とULF波動の相互作用の研究

*関 華奈子1天野 孝伸2齊藤 慎司3三好 由純1桂華 邦裕1宮下 幸長1松本 洋介4梅田 隆行1海老原 祐輔5 (1.名古屋大学太陽地球環境研究所、2.東京大学大学院理学系研究科、3.名古屋大学大学院理学研究科、4.千葉大学大学院理学研究科、5.京都大学生存圏研究所)

キーワード:ドリフト運動論近似, リングカレント, 放射線帯, MHD波動, 内部磁気圏, ドリフト共鳴

Understanding of acceleration mechanisms of electrons to cause drastic variation of the Earth's outer radiation belt is one of outstanding issues of the geospace researches. While the radial diffusion of the electrons driven by ULF waves has been considered as one of the candidate mechanisms, efficiency of the mechanism under realistic ULF characteristics and distribution is far from understood. GEMSIS (Geospace Environment Modeling System for Integrated Studies) of STEL, Nagoya University, is the observation-based modeling project for understanding energy and mass transportation from the Sun to the Earth in the geospace environment. The GEMSIS-Magnetosphere working team has developed a new physics-based model for the global dynamics of the ring current (GEMSIS-RC model). The GEMSIS-RC model is a self-consistent and kinetic numerical simulation code solving the five-dimensional collisionless drift-kinetic equation for the ring-current ions in the inner-magnetosphere coupled with Maxwell equations. In contrast to previous ring current models assuming a force-balanced equilibrium, the new model allows the force-imbalance to exist, which generates induced electric field through the polarization current. The most prominent advantage of the new model is the capability of describing fast time scale phenomena such as injections during substorms and MHD-time scale (ULF) waves. We applied the GEMSIS-RC model for simulation of global distribution of ULF waves. Comparison between runs with/without ring current ions show that the existence of hot ring current ions can deform and amplify the original sinusoidal waveforms. The deformation causes the energy cascade to higher frequency range (Pc4 and Pc3 ranges). The cascade is more pronounced in the high beta case. It is also shown that the existence of plasmapause strengthens ULFs outside the plasmapause and widens the MLT region where the E_r (toroidal) component is excited from initially-given E_phi (poloidal) component. We also report the basic characteristics of the ring current driven ULF waves and its effects on the electron transport in the inner magnetosphere.