12:33 〜 12:36
[BPT27-P02] 北欧エストニアにおけるオルドビス紀中後期動物多様化と環境変動
Following up the 'Cambrian explosion' , marine biodiversity increased dramatically during the Ordovician, as known as the 'Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event' (GOBE). Estonia in central Batoscandia provides excellently continuous Ordovician sedimentary package for detailed analysis. We are analyzing the drilled core samples of the Middle-Upper Ordovician strata (ca. 150 m-thick) collected from Velise in central Estonia, in order to clarify litho-, bio-, and isotope stratigraphy of C and Sr, and to reveal the cause and processes of the GOBE. We will report on our preliminary results.