


セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-GE 地質環境・土壌環境

[A-GE05] Subsurface Mass Transport and Environmental Assessment

2016年5月23日(月) 17:15 〜 18:30 ポスター会場 (国際展示場 6ホール)

コンビーナ:*濱本 昌一郎(東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科)、森 也寸志(岡山大学大学院環境生命科学研究科)、斎藤 広隆(東京農工大学大学院農学研究院)、川本 健(埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科)、張 銘(産業技術総合研究所地圏資源環境研究部門)

17:15 〜 18:30

[AGE05-P14] Compaction and consolidation characteristics for representative industrial wastes in Japan

*橋本 健人1川本 健1斎藤 健志1 (1.埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科)

キーワード:Compaction, Consolidation, Sludge, Crushed concrete, Incineration ash, Mixed waste materials

Waste disposal sites have important role for human activity. Because, it is difficult to build new disposal sites in Japan due to the lack of land, effective use of limited space in existing waste disposal sites is essential. The control of geotechnical properties for waste materials such as compaction and consolidation are key factors for reducing disposal space.In this study, compaction and consolidation characteristics for waste materials of sludge (D < 2.0 mm), crushed concrete (2.0 mm < D < 9.5 mm), and incineration ash (D < 2.0mm) were investigated with their different mixing proportions based on mass ratio. Standard proctor compaction test was carried out according to JIS A 1210. Consolidation test was carried out by using the mixed waste samples (D < 2.0 mm) based on JIS A 1217.
For the compaction characteristics of two mixed and three mixed samples, relationship between maximum dry density and mixing proportion of crushed concrete and/or incineration ash showed strong positive linear relation. Crushed concrete and incineration ash have completely different particle size distribution, however, the mixed samples of sludge and crushed concrete and/or incineration ash showed almost same compaction characteristics. Coefficient of compression for the mixed sample of sludge and incineration ash gradually decreased with increasing the mixing proportion of incineration ash, while for the mixed sample of sludge and crushed concrete, they drastically decreased with increasing the mixing proportion of crushed concrete. For the three mixed samples, they drastically decreased with increasing the mixing proportion of crushed concrete and/or incineration ash. Also, coefficient of volume compressibility and coefficient of consolidation for the samples containing crushed concrete clearly decreased and increased, respectively, as compared to the sludge. Therefore, the mixed sampled containing crushed concrete showed different consolidation characteristics.