Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018

Presentations by Keyword

Keywords : stable isotope

58 results (31 - 40)

  • [JJ] Poster
  • |S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-VC Volcanology

Wed. May 23, 2018 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall7, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Yuta Maeda(Nagoya University), Takahiro Miwa(National research institute for earth science and disaster prevention), Yosuke Aoki(東京大学地震研究所, 共同), Takeshi Nishimura(Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University), Takahiro Ohkura(Aso Volcanological Laboratory, Institute for Geothermal Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University), Satoshi Okumura(Division of Earth and Planetary Materials Science, Department of Earth Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University), Tomofumi Kozono(Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University)

  • [JJ] Evening Poster
  • |S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-VC Volcanology

Wed. May 23, 2018 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall7, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Yuta Maeda(Nagoya University), Takahiro Miwa(National research institute for earth science and disaster prevention), Yosuke Aoki(東京大学地震研究所, 共同), Takeshi Nishimura(Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University)

  • [JJ] Poster
  • |S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-GC Geochemistry

Tue. May 22, 2018 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall7, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Gen Shimoda(Geological Survey of Japan, AIST), Katsuhiko Suzuki(Research and Development Center for Submarine Resources, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Katsuyuki Yamashita(岡山大学大学院自然科学研究科, 共同), Akira Ishikawa(Department of Earth Science and Astronomy, The University of Tokyo)

  • [JJ] Evening Poster
  • |S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-GC Geochemistry

Tue. May 22, 2018 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall7, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Gen Shimoda(Geological Survey of Japan, AIST), Katsuhiko Suzuki(Research and Development Center for Submarine Resources, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Katsuyuki Yamashita(岡山大学大学院自然科学研究科, 共同), Akira Ishikawa(Department of Earth Science and Astronomy, The University of Tokyo)

Sun. May 20, 2018 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

*Kozue Nishida1,2, Yue Chin Chew3, Yusuke Yokoyama3, Atsushi Suzuki4, Yosuke Miyairi3, Shoko Hirabayashi7, Masahiro Hayashi5, Yukihiro Nojiri6 (1.National Institute of Technology, Ibaraki College, 2.JSPS, 3.AORI, UTokyo, 4.AIST, 5.MERI, 6.Hirosaki Univ., 7.UTokyo)

  • [JJ] Evening Poster
  • |B (Biogeosciences)
  • | B-PT Paleontology

Sun. May 20, 2018 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall7, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Isao Motoyama(Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Yamagata University), Takao Ubukata(Division of Geology & Mineralogy, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Kyoto University), Kazuyoshi Moriya(早稲田大学 教育・総合科学学術院 地球科学専修)

Sun. May 20, 2018 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

*Kozue Nishida1,2, Yue Chin Chew3, Yusuke Yokoyama3, Atsushi Suzuki4, Yosuke Miyairi3, Shoko Hirabayashi7, Masahiro Hayashi5, Yukihiro Nojiri6 (1.National Institute of Technology, Ibaraki College, 2.JSPS, 3.AORI, UTokyo, 4.AIST, 5.MERI, 6.Hirosaki Univ., 7.UTokyo)

  • [JJ] Poster
  • |B (Biogeosciences)
  • | B-PT Paleontology

Sun. May 20, 2018 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall7, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Isao Motoyama(Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Yamagata University), Takao Ubukata(Division of Geology & Mineralogy, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Kyoto University), Kazuyoshi Moriya(早稲田大学 教育・総合科学学術院 地球科学専修)

  • [JJ] Poster
  • |B (Biogeosciences)
  • | B-CG Complex & General

Mon. May 21, 2018 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall7, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Yukio Isozaki(Department of Earth Science and Astronomy, Multi-disciplinary Sciences - General Systems Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo), Yusuke Sawaki(The University of Tokyo)

  • [JJ] Evening Poster
  • |B (Biogeosciences)
  • | B-CG Complex & General

Mon. May 21, 2018 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall7, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Yukio Isozaki(Department of Earth Science and Astronomy, Multi-disciplinary Sciences - General Systems Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo), Yusuke Sawaki(The University of Tokyo)

Mon. May 21, 2018 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

*Ryu Uemura1, Hideaki Motoyama2, Valerie Masson-Delmotte3, Jean Jouzel3, Kenji Kawamura2, Kumiko Goto-Azuma2, Shuji Fujita2, Takayuki KURAMOTO2,10, Motohiro Hirabayashi2, Takayuki Miyake2, Hiroshi Ohno4,2, Koji Fujita5, Ayako Abe-Ouchi6, Yoshinori Iizuka7, Shinichiro Horikawa7,5, Makoto Igarashi2, Keisuke Suzuki8, Toshitaka Suzuki9, Yoshiyuki Fujii2 (1.University of the Ryukyus, 2.National Instititute of Polar Research, 3.LSCE, CEA-CNRS, 4.Kitami Institute of Technology, 5.Nagoya University, 6.The Unviersity of Tokyo, 7.Hokkaido University, 8.Shinshu University, 9.Yamagata University, 10.Fukushima prefectual center for environmental creation)

  • [EJ] Poster
  • |M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
  • | M-IS Intersection

Mon. May 21, 2018 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall7, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Osamu Seki(Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University), Akira Oka(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Ryosuke Makabe(国立極地研究所, 共同), Ryu Uemura(University of the Ryukyus)

Mon. May 21, 2018 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

*Ryu Uemura1, Hideaki Motoyama2, Valerie Masson-Delmotte3, Jean Jouzel3, Kenji Kawamura2, Kumiko Goto-Azuma2, Shuji Fujita2, Takayuki KURAMOTO2,10, Motohiro Hirabayashi2, Takayuki Miyake2, Hiroshi Ohno4,2, Koji Fujita5, Ayako Abe-Ouchi6, Yoshinori Iizuka7, Shinichiro Horikawa7,5, Makoto Igarashi2, Keisuke Suzuki8, Toshitaka Suzuki9, Yoshiyuki Fujii2 (1.University of the Ryukyus, 2.National Instititute of Polar Research, 3.LSCE, CEA-CNRS, 4.Kitami Institute of Technology, 5.Nagoya University, 6.The Unviersity of Tokyo, 7.Hokkaido University, 8.Shinshu University, 9.Yamagata University, 10.Fukushima prefectual center for environmental creation)

  • [EJ] Evening Poster
  • |M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
  • | M-IS Intersection

Mon. May 21, 2018 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall7, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Osamu Seki(Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University), Akira Oka(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Ryosuke Makabe(国立極地研究所, 共同), Ryu Uemura(University of the Ryukyus)