*Hiroshi A Takahashi1, Hiroko Handa1, Rina Sato2, Masayo Minami3 (1.Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 2.Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, 3.Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University)
[E] Poster
A (Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences ) » A-CG Complex & General
convener:Kazuhito Ichii(Chiba University), Prabir Patra(Research Institute for Global Change, JAMSTEC), Forrest M. Hoffman(Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Makoto Saito(National Institute of Environmental Studies)
The Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is a landmark agreement, which aims at reduction of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission to keep the global warming below 2 degC. The national commitments and progress should be carefully monitored and verified by international bodies using different but complementary methodologies.
In recent years, many observations and techniques to monitor GHGs budget have expanded. The improvements include observational platforms for monitoring atmospheric GHGs, national or regional emission inventories, top-down models (e.g. atmospheric inverse models), and bottom-up models (e.g. process-based models). However, due to uncertainties in modeling and sparse observation networks, large uncertainties exist in GHG sources/sinks estimations at global and regional scales. These uncertainties lead to large variations in future projections of GHG budgets and climate changes.
The purpose of the session is to discuss state-of-the-art techniques for estimation of GHG (e.g. CO2, CH4, N2O) budgets at global and regional scales. The topic includes natural and anthropogenic processes, various methodologies (e.g. in-situ observation, aircraft monitoring, remote sensing, modeling), and various targets (e.g. atmosphere, terrestrial, and ocean), various spatial and temporal coverage (e.g. regional to global scales and past-present-future). Improved estimates of emissions from land use change, forest fires, and other anthropogenic sources (urban developments and thermal power station etc.) are also of interest. We also welcome discussions for designs and plans for future studies targeting urban and rural scale emission estimations using sophisticated modeling tools and inventories.
*Hiroshi A Takahashi1, Hiroko Handa1, Rina Sato2, Masayo Minami3 (1.Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 2.Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, 3.Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University)
*Makoto Saito1, Yosuke Niwa1, Tazu Saeki1, Kazutaka Murakami1, Richao Cong1, Tatsuya Miyauchi1, Hisashi Yashiro1, Tomohiro Shiraishi1, Ryuichi Hirata1, Yukio Yoshida1, Isamu Morino1, Hibiki M Noda1, Hirofumi Ohyama1, Akihide Kamei1, Tsuneo Matsunaga1 (1.National Institute of Environmental Studies)
*Yosuke Niwa1 (1.National Institute for Environmental Studies)
*Fenjuan Wang1,2, Shamil S Maksyutov1, Rajesh Janardanan1, Aki Tsuruta3, Akihiko Ito1, Isamu Morino1, Yukio Yoshida1, Johannes W. Kaiser4, Greet Janssens Maenhout5, Ed Dlugokencky6, Ivan Mammarella7, Jost V. Lavric8, Tsuneo Matsunaga1 (1.NIES National Institute of Environmental Studies, 2.Department of Climate Change, National Climate Center, 3.Finnish Meteorological Institute, 4.Deutscher Wetterdienst, 5.European Commission Joint Research Centre, 6.Earth System Research Laboratory, NOAA, 7.University of Helsinki, 8.Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry)
*LI JIAWEI1, Kazuhito Ichii1, Hideki Kobayashi2, Wei Yang1 (1.Chiba University, 2.Japan Agency for Marine-Earch Science and Technology)
*Keiko Konya1, Go Iwahana3,2, Tetsuo Sueyoshi4, Tomoaki Morishita5 (1.Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2.Universitry of Alaska, Fairbanks, 3.Hokkaido university, 4.Ninational Institute of Polar Research, 5.Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute)
*Zhiyan Liu1, Kazuhito Ichii1 (1.Center for Environmental Remote Sensing Chiba University, Chiba University)