JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 P (宇宙惑星科学) » P-PS 惑星科学

[P-PS05] 惑星地震探査学

コンビーナ:川村 太一(パリ地球物理研究所)、辻 健(九州大学工学研究院)、Ralph Lorenz(Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)、William Bruce Banerdt(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

Given that seismic exploration is one of the most successful approach to study the internal structure of planetary bodies, it has been proposed to various planetary missions. Starting from Passive Seismic Experiment on Apollo missions, various seismic experiments were proposed over the next 50 years. Recently, several such proposals have been approved and thus we are entering a new active era of planetary seismology. In early 2019, the NASA InSight Lander successfully deployed the first seismometer on the surface of Mars and detected the first Marsquakes. In addition, recent global interest in lunar exploration has rekindled interest in a new seismic network on the Moon. In-situ resource utilization is being intensively discussed and seismic exploration has been investigated as an approach to search for subsurface water/ice. Finally, the Dragonfly mission was selected as NASA's next New Frontiers mission and a set of short period seismometers is being considered for its payload. With such a diversity of on-going and future missions, the next decade should see significant advances planetary seismology. The aim of this session will be to discuss the latest planetary seismology discoveries and possible future exploration and developments in this field. In terms of recent discoveries, the focus will be on analyses of InSight seismic data from Mars as well as results from other missions. The session will also include discussion on future missions, both selected and proposed. These include the active seismic experiment on the Japanese Lunar Resource Prospector mission and the seismic experiment on NASA's Dragonfly. Though planetary seismology has a long history dating back to the Apollo era, the associated research community is relatively immature due to the nearly 50-years gap in new data. We propose this session to provide opportunity to bring together scientist working on related topics and encourage discussion and collaboration for future development of this theme.

*Renee C Weber1Clive Neal2Bruce Banerdt3Sharon Kedar3Nicholas Schmerr4Mark Panning3Philippe Lognonne5Taichi Kawamura5Ceri Nunn3Angela Marusiak4Deanna Phillips9Yosio Nakamura7Caroline Beghein6Raphael Garcia8 (1.NASA Marshall Space Flight Center、2.Universtiy of Notre Dame、3.NASA JPL、4.University of Maryland、5.IPGP Paris、6.University of California, Los Angeles、7.University of Texas, Austin、8.ISAE SUPAERO、9.University of Alabama, Huntsville)


*辻 健1永田 雄一郎1木下 順二1池田 達紀1川村 太一3石原 吉明7小川 和律2小林 泰三4前田 孝雄6新谷 昌人5宮本 英昭5田中 智2Lognonné Philippe 3 (1.九州大学、2.宇宙航空研究開発機構、3.パリ地球物理研究所、4.立命館大学、5.東京大学、6.中央大学、7.国立環境研究所)

*西山 学1川村 太一2並木 則行3Fernando Benjamin4Leng Kuangdai4佐伯 孝尚5今村 裕志5高木 靖彦6白井 慶5早川 雅彦5岡本 千里7澤田 弘崇5津田 雄一5小川 和律5荒川 政彦7 (1.東京大学、2.パリ地球物理研究所、3.国立天文台 RISE月惑星探査検討室、4.オックスフォード大学、5.ISAS, JAXA、6.愛知東邦大学、7.神戸大学)