JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[J] 口頭発表

セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-CG 大気海洋・環境科学複合領域・一般

[A-CG55] 沿岸海洋⽣態系─1.⽔循環と陸海相互作⽤

コンビーナ:山田 誠(龍谷大学経済学部)、杉本 亮(福井県立大学海洋生物資源学部)、藤井 賢彦(北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究院)

[ACG55-04] 気仙沼舞根湾における再循環性地下水流入の重要性:水・栄養塩輸送量および生物生産への影響

*中島 壽視1杉本 亮1楠 隆大1横山 勝英2谷口 真人3 (1.福井県立大学、2.首都大学東京、3.総合地球環境学研究所)


The coastal sea is one of the important areas in the global ocean due to high primary productivity. While riverine loading of nutrients is a major source for sustaining primary productivity, it is now recognized that submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), which includes the discharge of meteoric fresh groundwater (FSGD) and recirculated saline groundwater (RSGD), supplies comparable nutrients from land to coastal seas. The Sanriku ria coast is characterized by numerous drowned valleys and a narrow shelf. In the region, it is well known that the Oyashio Current supplies large amounts of nutrients into coastal embayment. On the other hand, the ria coast is a hot spot influenced by groundwater discharge. However, the magnitudes of nutrient fluxes through the groundwater, and the fraction of FSGD and RSGD, as well as a comparison with oceanic nutrient transport, has not been assessed. In this study, we conducted 5 sampling campaigns in different seasons (June, August, October 2018, January, and March 2019) and monitored the groundwater level near the coast in the head of Kesennuma Bay (Moune Bay). We rely on the combined approach of Darcy’s low and Ra mass balance model to quantify water and nutrient fluxes of FSGD and RSGD as well as river and offshore seawater.
The estimated mean FSGD flux was 8.8% and 1.5% of total freshwater flux and SGD flux to Moune Bay, respectively. The inflow of offshore seawater dominates (> 99.4%) water budget in Moune Bay and mean contribution rates of DIN, DIP, and DSi fluxes were 83%, 93%, and 80%, respectively. RSGD-derived nutrient flux was the second-largest input in the Moune Bay. Mean contribution rates of DIN, DIP, and DSi fluxes derived from RSGD were 15%, 6%, and 13%, respectively, and each contribution rate varied in season. When nutrient fluxes from offshore seawater were minimum in October, RSGD-derived DIN, DIP, and DSi flux increased to 37%, 18%, and 19%, respectively. The stronger contribution of RSGD could result in higher abundance and productivity of phytoplankton (Nakajima, unpublished data). These results suggest that recirculated saline groundwater might have a significant impact on biological productivity in Moune Bay as well as oceanic nutrients.