JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-HW 水文・陸水・地下水学・水環境

[A-HW37] 地域の気候変動適応策を支える学際研究

コンビーナ:手計 太一(富山県立大学)、Yadu Pokhrel(Michigan State University)、Masashi Kiguchi(University of Tokyo)、Sompratana Ritphring(Kasetsart University)

[AHW37-11] Shallow Groundwater Plays as a Key of Water Supply Management for Crop Land during Severe Drought Crisis Situation in Thailand

*Desell Suanburi1Koshi Yoshida2Weerakaset Suanpaga1Naruekamon Janjirawuttikul3 (1.Kasetsart University、2.Ibaraki University、3.Land Development Department)

キーワード:Shallow groundwater, Agriculture Land, Drought crisis

Drought phenomenon is found in many regions of Thailand affected since over 30’s decade and become worse in 2020 due to the effect of climate change in 2019 lessening rainfall. Groundwater should be most beneficial of water supply for agriculture utility. Shallow groundwater (SGW) found as a significant role of water resources for appropriated agriculture crop during dry season and useful for farmer to manual drilling and manage effectively by themselves to support planting process with low cost investment. SGW can be constrained by EM and resistivity measurement at the high terrace zone (or margin) of Chao Phraya basin or sedimentation zone such as Dan Chang - Nong Ya Sai region of Suphanburi province, (SGW found as old channel sand deposit zone of large alluvial fan deposit area) mainly indicate as mono crop i.e. sugar cane and Southern part of Chainat province (SGW obtained from weathered rock sediment) found as integrate agriculture crop i.e. sugar cane, paddy field and cassava including Bo Phloi district of Kanchanaburi province (SGW is found in erosion channel within thick sediment deposit basin) Combination of various crops may to select appropriate crop. 2D resistivity technique was successfully located SGW in many different geohydrology area such as Manorom district, Northern part of Chainat province (SGW obtained deep sand deposit layer > 14 m deep) for second rice crop, Sai Ngam district, Kamphaeng Phet Province (SGW found in sand deposit zone) may helpful for second rice crop. SGW are also found in Northestern area (need to separate from salinity water) where found as combination crop including vegetable. High potential of SGW was found in deep sediments at the Eastern region where present as fruit orchard plating. SGW can be treated as sustainable use with artificial infiltration (known as groundwater bank) technique which storage surface water into subsurface sand/gravel layer during raining season then higher potential of shallow groundwater may support as sufficient agriculture planting