JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020


[J] 口頭発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-TT 計測技術・研究手法

[M-TT52] インフラサウンド及び関連波動が繋ぐ多圏融合地球物理学の新描像

コンビーナ:山本 真行(高知工科大学 システム工学群)、新井 伸夫(名古屋大学減災連携研究センター)、市原 美恵(東京大学地震研究所)、乙津 孝之(一般財団法人 日本気象協会)

[MTT52-02] 火球によって励起されたインフラサウンドの諸事例

*岩國 真紀子1乙津 孝之1新井 伸夫2野上 麻美1本橋 昌志1藤井 孝成1江村 亮平1村山 貴彦1 (1.一般財団法人 日本気象協会、2.名古屋大学減災連携研究センター)


The infrasound observation system has been installed in Isumi, Chiba-prefecture (approximately 60 km SE of Tokyo) as a component of the International Monitoring System for the verification regime of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). It is an array observation site and is comprised of 6-element centered pentagon array with an aperture of about 2km. It had been deployed on November 2004.
Infrasound observation system sometimes detected signal generated by meteor. For instance, infrasound signal by a meteor over Kanto region on January 2013 was detected at Isumi. Isumi microbarographs recorded impulse wave due to shock wave. This result was reported at JpGU2013. By increasing detected infrasound cases by meteor, we want to extract the characteristics if the infrasound signal generated by meteor. For purposes of the CTBT, since the signal by meteor is noise, signals by meteor can be distinguished from infrasound waveform data would also contribute to the CTBT's verification regime.