Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021

Presentation information

[E] Oral

A (Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences ) » A-CG Complex & General

[A-CG36] Satellite Earth Environment Observation

Thu. Jun 3, 2021 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Ch.08 (Zoom Room 08)

convener:Riko Oki(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Yoshiaki HONDA(Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University), Yukari Takayabu(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo), Tsuneo Matsunaga(Center for Global Environmental Research and Satellite Observation Center, National Institute for Environmental Studies), Chairperson:Hiroshi Murakami(Earth Observation Research Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Yoshiaki HONDA(Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University), Tsuneo Matsunaga(Center for Global Environmental Research and Satellite Observation Center, National Institute for Environmental Studies)

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

[ACG36-04] Spatial and Temporal Variations of XCO2 and XCH4 observed by GOSAT and GOSAT-2 in 2019 - 2020

★Invited Papers

*Tsuneo Matsunaga1, Isamu Morino1, Hirofumi Ohyama1, Jiye Zeng1, Hibiki M Noda1, Makoto Saito1, Yukio Yoshida1, Akihide Kamei1, Fumie Kawazoe1, Tazu Saeki1 (1.Center for Global Environmental Research and Satellite Observation Center, National Institute for Environmental Studies)

Keywords:Greenhouse gas, Carbon Dioxide, Methane

Fourier transform spectrometers (FTS) onboard GOSAT (launched in 2009) and GOSAT-2 (launched in 2018) have been observing the Earth's atmosphere in the short wavelength infrared region for about 12 and 2 years respectively. The column-averaged dry-air mole fractions of CO2 (XCO2) and CH4 (XCH4) were calculated from these FTS data and distributed to general public from GOSAT Data Archive Service (https://data2.gosat.nies.go.jp/index_en.html) and GOSAT-2 Product Archive (https://prdct.gosat-2.nies.go.jp/en/index.html) as GOSAT and GOSAT-2 Level 2 standard products. Their latest versions are V02.90/V02.91 and V02.95/V02.96 (bias corrected) for GOSAT and V01.03 (proxy) and V01.04 (full physics) for GOSAT-2, respectively.

It is already found that the current GOSAT-2 full physics XCO2 and XCH4 products have significant biases which are spatially and temporally variable. To investigate such characteristics of GOSAT-2 data, following comparisons are being conducted.

(1) Comparison between GOSAT-2 Level 2 products and ground-based data

(2) Comparison between GOSAT and GOSAT-2 Level 2 products

(3) Comparison of whole-atmosphere monthly mean CO2 and CH4 concentrations derived from GOSAT and GOSAT-2 L2 products independently.

Comparison results and suggestions for future product improvements will be discussed in the presentation.