

[J] ポスター発表

セッション記号 U (ユニオン) » ユニオン

[U-09] 気象津波の発生を伴ったトンガ海底火山噴火

2022年5月30日(月) 11:00 〜 13:00 オンラインポスターZoom会場 (40) (Ch.40)

コンビーナ:日比谷 紀之(東京大学大学院理学系研究科地球惑星科学専攻)、コンビーナ:前野 深(東京大学地震研究所)、コンビーナ:中島 健介(九州大学大学院理学研究院地球惑星科学部門)、コンビーナ:田村 芳彦(海洋研究開発機構 海域地震火山部門)、座長:日比谷 紀之(東京海洋大学 海洋環境科学部門)、前野 深(東京大学地震研究所)、中島 健介(九州大学大学院理学研究院地球惑星科学部門)、田村 芳彦(海洋研究開発機構 海域地震火山部門)

11:00 〜 13:00

[U09-P36] Ionospheric Height and Electron Density Variation caused by the Tonga Volcano Eruption Observed by Ionosonde Network in Japan

*Septi Perwitasari1Michi Nishioka1Takuya Tsugawa1 (1.National Institute of Information and Communications Technology )

キーワード:Tonga volcano eruption, Ionospheric height and Electron density variation, Ionosonde network observation

The submarine eruption of the Tonga volcano on January 15, 2022, sent an ash plume up to the stratosphere (~40 km) and created a shockwave that traveled around the globe for several days. This super event has energized the ionospheric research community and several papers regarding ionospheric response using two-dimensional TEC maps have been published. However, there is no study of the ionospheric height variation using an ionosonde network to this date. Here, we report the ionospheric height and electron density variation observed using an ionosonde network from four locations in Japan: Okinawa, Kagoshima, Tokyo, and Hokkaido. A 30-min detrended GPS-TEC data over Japan were mapped to their conjugate points in the southern hemisphere. A traveling ionospheric disturbance (TID) can be seen in the keogram of the conjugated data around 08:00 UTC moving westward, away from the volcano location. The timing of the observed TID agreed well with the start of the increase of the virtual height (h’F) of the bottom layer of the F-region, except for Hokkaido. The increase of the h’F lasted around ~1 hour and then a sharp decrease took place. The peak of increase and decrease were ~45% and ~40% compared to the quiet day, respectively. Another distinct feature was an increase in the critical frequency of the F-layer (foF2) which reached ~2 x compared to the quiet day. An unusual ~3-4 TECU perturbation can also be seen in the TEC data. The peak timings of the TEC and foF2 agreed well with each other. Spread-F events were observed in all locations ~30 mins after the peak of the negative excursion of the h’F which was likely caused by the sharp gradient of the h’F.