

[J] 口頭発表

セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-AS 大気科学・気象学・大気環境

[A-AS07] 大気化学

2023年5月22日(月) 13:45 〜 15:00 展示場特設会場 (2) (幕張メッセ国際展示場)

コンビーナ:坂本 陽介(京都大学大学院地球環境学堂)、内田 里沙(一般財団法人 日本自動車研究所)、石戸谷 重之(産業技術総合研究所)、岩本 洋子(広島大学大学院統合生命科学研究科)、座長:岩本 洋子(広島大学大学院統合生命科学研究科)、内田 里沙(一般財団法人 日本自動車研究所)、坂本 陽介(京都大学大学院地球環境学堂)

14:15 〜 14:30

[AAS07-13] 酸性粒子存在下でのα-ピネンの酸化過程からの二次有機エアロゾルの生成収率の増大と低揮発性成分の生成

*猪俣 敏1佐藤 圭1森野 悠1、江波 進一1谷本 浩志1、Deng Yange1、Ramasamy Sathiyamurthi1、飯沼 賢輝2 (1.国立研究開発法人国立環境研究所、2.沖縄科学技術大学院大学)


Secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) affect human health and climate change; however, the factors (e.g., temperature, acidity of pre-existing particles, and oxidants) influencing their formation are not sufficiently understood. The temperature and acidity dependence of SOA yields and chemical components of SOA from α-pinene ozonolysis and α-pinene photooxidation under low NOx conditions were systematically investigated under 278–298 K temperatures in the presence of neutral ((NH4)2SO4) and acidic (H2SO4 + ((NH4)2SO4)) seeds by using a compact chamber. The slight negative temperature dependence of the SOA yields was observed and the enthalpies of vaporization were estimated to be 25–48 kJ mo–1, which is in agreement with the value of 40 kJ mol–1 applied in the CMAQ model. The SOA yields increased ~10–30 % with the increase in the acidity of seed particles ([H+] = 220 nmol m–3) at low SOA mass loadings. Those increases were thought to be caused by the formation of low- and extremely low-volatility organic compounds such as dimer esters and organosulfates, which were measured by means of negative electrospray ionization liquid-chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry coupled to ion mobility spectrometry. To achieve better simulation of monoterpene SOA formation in the SOA module of the model, we propose that the conversion rate (τ–1) of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) to non-volatile compounds (NVOCs) should be faster under acidic conditions compared with that under neutral conditions.