Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023

Presentation information

[E] Oral

M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary) » M-AG Applied Geosciences

[M-AG32] CTBT IMS Technologies for Detecting Nuclear Explosion and Their Applications to Earth Science

Thu. May 25, 2023 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM 201B (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Nurcan Meral Ozel(Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization)

2:00 PM - 2:15 PM

[MAG32-02] In order to enhance the CTBT verification regime.

★Invited Papers

*Yasuhito fukui1 (1.Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

Keywords:CTBT, verification regime

This presentation shows how the CTBT verification regime can be enhanced. Almost 20 years have passed after its open for signature of the CTBT. In fact, over 90 % of IMS (International Monitoring System) were constructed as has been stipulated in the Annex 1 of the protocol of the CTBT. In these 20 years, technological innovation has progressed and in addition to the commissioned IMS, the monitoring stations were also constructed for the scientific purpose. For example, infrasound and seismic wave monitoring stations are constructed separately beside IMS stations. Furthermore, these non-IMS seismic data is available via internet and using these data more precise determination of epicenter can be possible.
As for radionuclide monitoring, other noble gas observation is performed in addition to IMS. In cooperation with CTBTO preparatory commission and JAEA, noble gas back ground measurement is conducted jointly in Mutsu and Horonobe in Japan with TXL equipment. In this manner, at the time of provisional operation before the entry into force of the CTBT, the IMS data based on the CTBT and other souse data is also available.
Thus, using all these data, in order to enhance precision of verification regime, we seek the possibility of a close cooperation among the research institutes concerned.