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ACS Publications
AGU is an international scientific society that represents nearly 60,000 scientists from 137 countries. AGU provides a dynamic forum for Earth and space scientists to advance research and collabora...
Beta Analyticの放射性炭素(C14)年代測定サービスを紹介します。
CODAR Ocean Sensors
We present a list of our open-access publications and journal-specific flyers, as well as a flyer explaining the Interactive Public Peer Review.
欧文誌"Earth, Planets and Space"(EPS誌)のパンフレット等配布
Promotion of the cooperation and discussion among scientists concerned with geosciences and the planetary and space sciences" by "Dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the Earth, plan...
Introduce open-access publishing and Frontiers journals, showing how open science can benefit all researchers.
Pamphlet Stand
Our recruitment positions include The Thousand Talents Plan,the CAS Hundred Talents Program and other research positions.
超高層大気データに関する新ウェブツール「IUGONET Type-A」と解析ツールのデモを行います。
MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)
Seismic Monitoring Solutions
Hyperwall exhibit with planned speakers, co-ordinate hands on demonstrations with students