*Hisao Kondo1, Kazuhiro Iwakiri2, Hirota Tani3, Kenji Satake4 (1.Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2.Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), 3.Earthquake and Disaster-Reduction Division, MEXT, 4.Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)
Session information
[EJ] Poster
S (Solid Earth Sciences) » S-SS Seismology
[S-SS12] [EJ] Active faults and paleoseismology
Tue. May 23, 2017 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall HALL7)
convener:Mamoru Koarai(Earth Science course, College of Science, Ibaraki University), Nobuhiko Sugito(Faculty of Humanity and Environment, Hosei University), Nobuhisa Matsuta(Okayama University Graduate School of Education), Ken-ichi Yasue(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Geologic and historic information on seismic cycles and on the magnitude and source faults of past earthquakes is essential information to understand future large earthquakes. The study of past faulting and seismicity is an important issue for an interdisciplinary community of seismologists, geologists, geomorphologists, archaeologists, and historians.
*Masatoshi Yagi1, Izumi Sakamoto1, Yuka Yokoyama1, mikio fujimaki1, Hiromichi Tanaka1, Omer Aydan2, Kenji Nemoto1 (1.Tokai University, 2.Ryukyu University)
*Takahashi Naoya1, Shinji Toda2, Daisuke Ishimura3 (1.Department of EarthScience, Tohoku University, 2.International Research Institute for Disaster Science, Tohoku University, 3.Department of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University)
*Yorihide Kohriya1, Masashi Omata1, DAISUKE SANGO1, Noriyuki Shibuya1 (1.PASCO CORPORATION)
*Masashi Omata1, DAISUKE SANGO1, Yorihide Kohriya1, Noriyuki Shibuya1 (1.PASCO CORPORATION)
*Mamoru Kato1 (1.Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies Kyoto University)
Takuma Oda1, *Mamoru Nakamura1 (1.Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus)
Kyoko Kagohara1, *Tomoo Echigo2, Shinsuke Okada3, Shigeru Toda4, Naoto Inoue2, Takahiro Miyauchi5, Toshifumi Imaizumi6, Hideki Kosaka7, Atsushi Miwa8, Susumu Sakashita8, Yoshikazu Matsubara8, Kohei Abe8, Hideki Kurosawa8, Nobuhisa Matsuta9, Tatsuya Ishiyama10 (1.Yamaguchi Univ., 2.GRI, 3.IRIDeS, Tohoku Univ., 4.Aichi Univ. of Education, 5.Graduate School of Science Chiba Univ., 6.Graduate School of Science Tohoku Univ., 7.Kankyo-Chishitsu Co. Ltd., 8.OYO Corporation, 9.Okayama Univ., 10.ERI, Univ of Tokyo)
*Yuma Iwatsuki1, Shin Koshiya1, Hiroshi Sato2, Tatsuya Ishiyama2, Naoko Kato2, Yuuki Hashimoto1 (1.Iwate University, 2.ERI, Univ. of Tokyo)
*Tatsuya Ishiyama1, Daisuke Hirouchi2 (1.Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, 2.Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, Shinshu University)
*Keita Takahashi1, Kenta Kobayashi1 (1.Department of geology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University)
Junichi Tsubaki1, *Tomoyuki Ohtani1, Masahiro Kono1, Keiichi Ueta2 (1.Department of Civil Engineering, Gifu University, 2.CRIEPI)
*Tadashi Maruyama1, Masaru Saito2 (1.Institute of Earthquake and Volcano Geology, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2.Dia Consultants Company Limited)
*Tomoki Tanaka1, Heitaro Kaneda1, Tsutomu Inoue (1.Department of Earth Sciences, Chiba University)
*Sota Takagi1, Heitaro Kaneda1, Daisuke Ishimura2, Daichi Takahashi3 (1.Department School of Earth Science, Chiba University, 2.Department of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 3.Graduate School of Science, Chiba University)
*Masayoshi Tajikara1, Hiroyuki Tsutsumi2, Hideaki Goto3, Tokihiko Matsuda1 (1.Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction, 2.Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, 3.Graduate school of letters, Hiroshima University)
*Tetsuro Tsuru1, Jin-Oh Park2, Tetsuo No3, Kazuo Nakahigashi1 (1.Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, 2.AORI, University of Tokyo, 3.CEAT, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
*susumu sakashita1, Yusuke Oda1, Yamashita Yoshihiro1, Kobayashi Takayuki1, Douglas Groom2, He Bin3, Wang Fei2, Tomoo Echigo4, Kyoko Kagohara5, Shinsuke Okada6, Shigeru Toda7, Naoto Inoue4, Takahiro Miyauchi8, Toshifumi Imaizumi9, Hideki Kosaka10, atsushi miwa1, yoshikazu matubara1, Kohei Abe1, hideki kurosawa1, Nobuhisa Matsuta11, Tatsuya Ishiyama12 (1.OYO corporation, 2.Geometrics, Inc., 3.Laurel geophysical systems, Ltd., 4.GRI, 5.Yamaguchi Univ, 6.IRIDeS, Tohoku Univ., 7.Aichi Univ. of Education, 8.Graduate School of Science Chiba Univ., 9.Graduate School of Science Tohoku Univ., 10.Kankyo-Chishitsu Co. Ltd., 11.Okayama Univ., 12.ERI, Univ of Tokyo)
*Yu-Fang Hsu1, Ray Chuang1 (1.Department of geography, National Taiwan University)
*Zahra Mohammadi1, Ahmad Sadeghi2, Fateme - Saleh3 (1.Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate school of Science, Kyoto University, 2.Head of Tehran Disaster Mitigation and Management Organization (TDMMO), 3.Mitigation and risk reduction deputy of Tehran Disaster Mitigation and Management Organization (TDMMO))