JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017


[JJ] ポスター発表

セッション記号 P (宇宙惑星科学) » P-PS 惑星科学

[P-PS07] [JJ] 惑星科学

2017年5月25日(木) 13:45 〜 15:15 ポスター会場 (国際展示場 7ホール)

コンビーナ:鎌田 俊一(北海道大学 創成研究機構)、岡本 尚也(千葉工業大学惑星探査研究センター)

[PPS07-P07] 地球接近天体(1566)Icarusとその同一起源候補天体2007 MK6の可視測光観測

*浦川 聖太郎1大塚 勝仁2阿部 新助3木下 大輔4花山 秀和5宮地 竹史5奥村 真一郎1綾仁 一哉6前野 将太6黒田 大介5福井 暁彦5成田 憲保5,7,8はしもと じょーじ9櫻井 友里9中村 小百合9高橋 隼10谷川 智康11Otabek Burhonov12Kamoliddin Ergashev12伊藤 孝士5吉田 二美5渡辺 誠13今井 正尭14倉本 圭14関口 朋彦15石黒 正晃16 (1.特定非営利活動法人日本スペースガード協会、2.東京流星ネットワーク、3.日本大学、4.國立中央大学、5.国立天文台、6.美星天文台、7.アストロバイオロジーセンター、8.東京大学、9.岡山大学、10.兵庫県立大学、11.三田祥雲館高校、12.Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute Uzbekistan Academy of Science、13.岡山理科大学、14.北海道大学、15.北海道教育大学、16.ソウル大学)


Background & Aim: A numerical simulation proposes that the origin of near-Earth object 2007 MK6 (hereafter, MK6) is a near-Earth object (1566) Icarus (hereafter, Icarus) [1]. In addition to it, the orbital parameters of the daytime Taurid-Perseid meteor swarm are in good agreement with those of Icarus. Thus, it is considered that MK6 is split from the parent object Icarus by a rotational fission and/or an impact event, and the produced dust became to the daytime Taurid-Perseid meteor swarm. To confirm such a hypothesis, we need to obtain the observational evidence that the color indices of Icarus and MK6 are same. Moreover, if MK6 split by the rotational fission due to the YORP effect, the rotation period of Icarus would be shorten compared with the past rotation period. When the MK6 split by an impact event, the rotation period of MK6 would shorter than the spin limit of 2.2 hours. We require the observation for Icarus and MK6 to test these hypotheses.
Observations: We conducted the observations for Icarus in 2015 and MK6 in 2016, respectively. The observation summary is shown as followings: Icarus (June 2015): Nayoro Observatory 1.6 m Pirka telescope of the Hokkaido University (visible photometry), Ishigakijima Astronomical Observatory (IAO) 1.05 m Murikabushi telescope (g', RC, and IC band simultaneous photometry), Maidanak Observatory (MO) 0.6 m telescope (R band photometry), Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory (NHAO) Nayuta 2.0m telescope (J, H, and KS band simultaneous photometry), Lulin and Kinmen Observatory 0.4 m telescopes (visible photmetry), Lowell Observatory (LO) 1.1 m, 1.8 m, and 4.3 m telescopes (visible photometry and visible spectroscopy), MK6 (June - July 2016): IAO 1.05 m Murikabushi telescope (g', RC, and IC band simultaneous photometry), MO 1.5 m telescope (R band photometry), NHAO Nayuta 2.0 m telescope (J, H, and KS band simultaneous photometry), Lulin Observatory 1.0 m telescope (visible photometry), LO 1.8 m and 4.3 m telescopes (visible photometry and visible spectroscopy), University of Hawaii 2.24 m telescope (visible photometry), Okayama Astrophyscial Observatory 1.88 m telescope (g', r', and z' band simultaneous photometry).
Results: Previous studies indicated that the taxonomic type of Icarus is an S-type or a Q-type [2][3]. We obtained that the color indices g' - RC and RC - IC are 0.828 ± 0.027 mag and 0.397 ± 0.025 mag, respectively. These are consistent with the color indices of an S-type asteroid. Moreover, the color indices implied the slight rotational color variation, though the further data analysis is needed. On the other hand, the color indices and the rotation period of MK6 have not been revealed in the previous study. In addition to the color indices of Icarus, we will present the result the color indices of MK6 and the rotation period of both Icarus and MK6.

References: [1] Ohtsuka K. et al. (2007) ApJ, 668, L71-L74. [2]Chapman C. R., Morrison D., and Zellner B. (1975) Icarus, 25, 104-139. [3]Hicks M. D., Fink U., and Grundy W. M. (1998) Icarus, 133, 69-78.