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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-17

[2N5-OS-17b] OS-17 (2)

Wed. Jun 10, 2020 3:50 PM - 5:30 PM Room N (jsai2020online-14)

宋 剛秀(神戸大学)、沖本 天太(神戸大学)

4:10 PM - 4:30 PM

[2N5-OS-17b-02] On constructing covering arrays using ZDDs

Keisuke Yamashita1, 〇Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya1 (1. Osaka University)

Keywords:ZDD, covering arrays

An algorithm is proposed to construct covering arrays, mathematical objects that can be used for testing or experimental designs. In the algorithm, Zero-suppressed Decision Diagrams (ZDDs) are used to handle a large number of tuples which arise in the process of covering array construction.

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