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Poster Session

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[3Xin2] Poster session 1

Thu. May 30, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:40 PM Room X (Event hall 1)

[3Xin2-22] Utilization of Reconstructional Concept Map as a Method for Preventive Early Detection of Discrepancies in Information Sharing Process

For the Purpose of Sharing and Refining the Domain Model in the BizDevOps Team for Web Service

〇Naoya Hayashi1,2, Kodai Watanabe2, Yusuke Hayashi2, Tsukasa Hirashima2 (1.LY Corporation, 2.Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University)

Keywords:Reconstructional Concept Map, Support for Detecting Discrepancies in Information Sharing Process, BizDevOps Team for Web Service, Practical Use

Communication between different professions and within the same profession is essential in the execution of tasks for information system development projects and maintenance and operation processes. Especially, the accurate transfer of requirements from domain experts to engineers and the sharing of core system knowledge among engineers are crucial activities in system development and maintenance operations. However, when discrepancies occur in these communications, there are times when the detection of such discrepancies is delayed or their presence is only discovered after the completion of the deliverables. These situations can lead to delays in system development, the need for rework, and an increased risk of system accidents. In order to address this issue, this research aims to support the early detection of communication discrepancies faced by BizDevOps teams in web service development. To achieve this, the research adopts reconstructive concept mapping proposed in previous studies and reports the results of its practical application in an actual development.

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