2024年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第38回)



ポスターセッション » ポスターセッション

[4Xin2] ポスターセッション2

2024年5月31日(金) 12:00 〜 13:40 X会場 (イベントホール1)

[4Xin2-103] Developing a Support System to Keep Motivation for Home Exercise Based on Multi-Modal Sensors

〇Muhammad Maulana1、Yugo Okamoto1、Okabe Kohei2、Eri Sato-Shimokawara1 (1.Tokyo Metropolitan University、2.National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan)

キーワード:Robot sensing systems, Wearable Sensor, Pose Estimation, Home Exercise, Multimodal Sensors

We propose a system that is used to help keep users motivated while practicing alone at home by providing feedback using multi-modal sensors. Muscle is important for movement in the body, while frailty affects older individuals' physical function and health. Home-based training can help address frailty, but motivation and adherence can be challenges. A support system is needed to provide appropriate interventions and maintain motivation. The system aims to monitor the quality of the user's training and maintain the user's motivation by providing feedback on the training. To measure the quality and provide feedback, we use a camera with pose estimation to obtain information related to the user's pose, and an IMU sensor to obtain the user's inertial data during training. We have implemented pose estimation to calculate and analyze the calculation of squats movement, and we also consider analyzing the duration, LDLJ, and DTW data from the IMU data.

