The 63th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists Kansai Region

Presentation information



[P10] 周術期管理④

Sat. Sep 2, 2017 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ポスター会場 (大阪国際会議場 10F) (大阪国際会議場 10F)

座長:江木 盛時(神戸大学医学部附属病院)

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

[P10-02] Anesthesia service for a severe spine deformity patient - a challenging case for anesthesiologists

〇Yuri Nishikawa1, Hideo Hirakata1, Toshiyuki Arai1 (1. Kyoto City Hospital)

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