2015年 第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2015 » 4.3 Optical Micro-sensing, Manipulation, and Fabrications

[14p-2C-1~12] 4.3 Optical Micro-sensing, Manipulation, and Fabrications

2015年9月14日(月) 13:45 〜 18:00 2C (212-1)

Chair:Tamitake Itoh(AIST),Tsutomu Shimura(Univ. of Tokyo)

14:45 〜 15:15

[14p-2C-4] [JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2015 Invited Talk] Biomolecular sensing with in-situ computation by photonic DNA computing

〇Yusuke Ogura1, Takahiro Nishimura1, Jun Tanida1 (1.Osaka Univ.)

キーワード:photonic DNA computing,sensing,logic

Optical methodologies for sensing, imaging, or controlling biomolecules have been revealing mechanisms of various biological activities. Because many molecules work with interactions at a time in a biological system, it is necessary to deal with diverse molecules simultaneously or to manipulate much information on the molecules for effective analysis or control. In-situ computation on molecules is a promising strategy for the purpose because it offers, for example, encoding a set of information into a simplified code to support efficient sensing or imaging. It also enables to make physical or chemical reactions depending on the status of the target molecules at the positions where they exist. We are studying on photonic DNA computing, which is helpful to achieve in-situ computation on biomolecules based on DNA and photonics technologies. In this report, we present three implementing methods: DNA scaffold logic for processing biomolecular information, a nanoscale energy-route selector for switching operations, and a method for releasing a DNA strand via photothermal effect of a black hole quencher. Photonic DNA computing is expected to provide advanced biomolecular sensing useful for life science.