2015年 第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2015 » 4.5 Information Photonics

[15p-2F-1~15] 4.5 Information Photonics

2015年9月15日(火) 13:45 〜 19:45 2F (221-2)

Chair:Kazuo Hotate(Univ. of Tokyo),Hirotsugu Yamamoto(Utsunomiya Univ.),Ryoichi Horisaki(Osaka Univ.)

18:15 〜 18:30

[15p-2F-11] Monte Carlo simulation for speckle reduction using moving diffuser

〇Shigeo Kubota1, Koji Suzuki1, Yasushi Tomita1, Tatsuo Fukui1 (1.Oxide Corporation)

キーワード:speckle,laser display,Fourier optics

So far, the principle of speckle reduction by moving diffuser is confirmed on a single pixel on the screen or the eye retina through the statistical calculation of speckle contrast. We report the Monte Carlo simulation which expands the speckle reduction calculation over a finite but statistically meaningful size of pixel array on the image, applying image processing technique known as interpolation by zero padding in frequency domain. The calculated speckle contrast of the extracted speckle from the intensity distribution over the pixel array showed a good agreement with theoretical speckle contrast calculated from the temporal and spatial diversities.