2016年 第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



8 プラズマエレクトロニクス » 8.2 プラズマ診断・計測

[13a-B7-1~11] 8.2 プラズマ診断・計測

2016年9月13日(火) 09:00 〜 11:45 B7 (展示ホール内)

松井 信(静岡大)

10:45 〜 11:00

[13a-B7-8] Analysis of Optical Emission Spectra from Microplasma in Sea Water

〇(D)Vladislav Anatolyevich Gamaleev1、Hayato Morita1、Jun-Seok Oh1、Hiroshi Furuta1、Akimitsu Hatta1 (1.Kochi Univ. of Tech)

キーワード:Plasma in liquids, Optical emission spectroscopy

This work presents an analysis of optical emission spectra from microplasma in four types of liquid, namely artificial sea water composed of 10 typical agents (10ASW), reference solutions each containing a single agent, ultra pure water (UPW) and naturally sampled deep sea water (DSW). Microplasma was operated using a different materials needle-to-plate electrode system sunk into each liquid in a quartz cuvette. The radius of the tip of the needle was 50μm and the gap between the electrodes was set at 20μm. An impulse generator circuit, consisting of a MOSFET switch, a capacitor, an inductor and the resistance of the liquid between the electrodes, was used as a pulse current source for operation of discharges. In the spectra, the emission peaks for the main components of sea water and contaminants from the electrodes were detected. Analysis of the Stark broadening of Hα peak was carried out to estimate the electron density of the plasma under various conditions. The characteristics of microplasma discharge in sea water and the analysis of the optical emission spectra will be presented.