The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016

Presentation information


Symposium » Recent Progress of Organic Electronics in Japan and Korea: For the Next Jump

[19p-W521-1~8] Recent Progress of Organic Electronics in Japan and Korea: For the Next Jump

Sat. Mar 19, 2016 1:45 PM - 6:00 PM W521 (W5)

Yuji Yoshida(AIST), Hiroaki Usui(TUAT)

2:15 PM - 2:45 PM

[19p-W521-2] Manipulation of Carrier Injection Barriers of Multilayer Graphene Electrode for OLED

Yongsup Park1, Min-Jae Maeng1, Ji-Hoon Kim1, Jong-Am Hong1, Joohyun Hwang2, Hong Kyw Choi2, Jaehyun Moon2, Jeong-Ik Lee2 (1.Kyung Hee U., Korea, 2.ETRI, Korea)

Keywords:OLED,UPS,multilayer graphene

By using XPS and UPS we demonstrate that the multilayer graphene (MLG) electrodes can be employed for both anode and cathode in a OLEDs with very small carrier injection barriers.