


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.6 超高速・高強度レーザー

[16p-311-1~20] 3.6 超高速・高強度レーザー

2017年3月16日(木) 13:15 〜 19:00 311 (311)

田邉 孝純(慶大)、中村 一隆(東工大)

14:15 〜 14:30

[16p-311-4] High-order harmonic generation by 50 mJ three-channel optical waveform synthesizer

〇(P)Xue Bing1、J. Takahashi Eiji1、Fu Yuxi1、Midorikawa Katsumi1 (1.RAP, RIKEN)

キーワード:optical waveform synthesizer, high order harmonics generation, attosecond pulse

In this work, a high-energy three-channel optical waveform synthesizer system is built up by using a CEP-stabilized Ti:sapphire laser operating at 10 Hz. By focusing the laser pulse from the synthesizer into an argon gas cell, high-flux continuum harmonics are demonstrated. The generated continuum soft-x-ray spectrum (45 ∼ 55 eV) is evaluated to > 100 nJ, which supports < 300 as transform limited pulses.