The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017

Presentation information

Symposium (Oral)

Symposium » Recent GFIS microscopy technology and its future prospects for R & D of materials and devices

[16p-315-1~11] Recent GFIS microscopy technology and its future prospects for R & D of materials and devices

Thu. Mar 16, 2017 1:15 PM - 6:00 PM 315 (315)

Hiroshi Mizuta(JAIST), Shinichi Ogawa(AIST)

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

[16p-315-6] Neon GFIS Gas Assisted Etch and Beam Induced Deposition -Characterization for Semiconductor Applications-

Richard H. Livengood1, Shida Tan1, Roy M. Hallstein1, Waqas Ali1 (1.Intel Corporation)
