


1 応用物理学一般 » 1.4 エネルギー変換・貯蔵・資源・環境

[20a-PB1-1~15] 1.4 エネルギー変換・貯蔵・資源・環境

2018年9月20日(木) 09:30 〜 11:30 PB (白鳥ホール)

09:30 〜 11:30

[20a-PB1-1] Study of the Calcium Insertion in Layered and Non-Layered Vanadium Oxide Phases from First Principles

Daniel Koch1、〇Sergei Manzhos1 (1.Ntl. Univ. Singapore)

キーワード:calcium ion battery, vanadia, ab initio modeling

Multivalent metals have attracted attention as possible alternatives to lithium (Li) in future high-performance secondary batteries due to their potentially high gravimetric capacity and the possibly advantageous use of bulk metal as anode material without dendrite formation during cycling. A drawback of such elements as magnesium, zinc, or aluminium, on the other hand, is that their low-magnitude standard potentials limit the achievable full battery voltages and therefore lead to lower energy densities which, as of today, cannot compete with those achieved with Li-ion batteries. One exception to this trend is calcium (Ca). We investigated the insertion energetics of Ca at low concentrations in four promising layered and non-layered vanadium oxide phases (α and δ vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) polymorphs, as well as rutile- (R) and bronze-type (B) vanadium dioxide (VO2)) using density functional theory (DFT). We found α-V2O5 to be the most suitable material for an application as cathode, driven by a stable coordinative environment for the Ca2+ ions, with a voltage at the discharge onset of about 3.07 V, and 2.93 V for δ-V2O5, in accordance with previously reported results. Calcium insertion into vanadium dioxides is predicted to be less favorable, with a computed initial voltage of 2.57 V in VO2(B). The low-concentration phase of rutile-type CaxVO2 on the other hand is not found to be stable at all, due to severe distortions of the host lattice caused by the large Ca2+ ion, but phases with higher Ca concentration might be stable and form in a two-phase mechanism during cycling. The results provide insight into the possibility of employing these phases as active cathode materials of future Ca-ion batteries.