


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2018 » 4.2 Photonics Devices, Photonic Integrated Circuit and Silicon Phonics

[21a-211B-1~9] 4.2 Photonics Devices, Photonic Integrated Circuit and Silicon Phonics

2018年9月21日(金) 09:00 〜 11:45 211B (211-2)

岩本 敏(東大)、Set Sze(東大)

09:30 〜 09:45

[21a-211B-2] Frequency-Stabilized External Cavity Green Diode Laser

Ming-Hui Chen1、Hong-Zhi Chen1、〇HSIANG-CHEN CHUI CHUI1 (1.Natl Cheng Kung Univ.)

キーワード:diode laser, external cavity

In this work, a diode laser based on indium gallium nitride compound semiconductors combined with a Littrow structure is used to construct an external cavity type green diode laser. The first-order diffracted light generated by the grating is used as a feedback signal, and coupled back to the laser diode, besides, the zero-order diffracted light is used as an output signal. With this simple design, we can chase down a narrow linewidth and adjustable laser, and compare the spectral changes of different operating currents between the two kinds of cavity length external cavity laser structures, explore the wavelength tunable range and the luminous efficiency under the change of polarization, moreover, we try to seek the shorter linewidth.

We remodel the structure of the 3 cm ECDL produced by Chen and his coworkers[1], and then successfully construct a 6 cm temperature-controlled green ECDL, and successfully reduce the line width from 10.3 MHz to 5.32 MHz by increasing the external cavity length The wavelength of this 6 cm ECDL is 517 nm, and the output power is 20.5 mW under the two times of the threshold current. In Fig. 2, we showed The relations of the output power with the injection current for laser diode, 3-cm cavity length ECDL, and 6-cm cavity length ECDL.
Finally, we attempt to stabilize laser frequency of green ECDL with locking it on an iodine transition line [2]. In the experiment, PID controller is used to feed back the error signal to the piezoelectric actuator. And we adjust the laser output frequency with voltage make the error signal zero, and then we make the frequency stable. At last, we use Allen variance to quantify the stability of lasers.