


シンポジウム » ゲルマニウムはシリコンを代替するのか?

[19p-G203-1~7] ゲルマニウムはシリコンを代替するのか?

2018年3月19日(月) 13:30 〜 17:10 G203 (63-203)

入沢 寿史(産総研)、手塚 勉(東芝)、遠藤 和彦(産総研)

16:40 〜 17:10

[19p-G203-7] Spin-dependent transport in ferromagnet-germanium structures for spintronic applications

Kohei Hamaya1,2 (1.GSES, Osaka Univ.、2.CSRN, Osaka Univ.)


Although spintronic technologies in both n-type and p-type Ge should be explored for novel information storage and logic devices, the detection of the two-terminal local magnetoresistance effect in ferromagnet-Ge structures has not been reported yet.
In this talk, I present reliable room-temperature magnetoresistance data in ferromagnet-Ge structures. The works on n-Ge and p-Ge will pave a way for integration of the nonvolatile memory effect in ferromagnetic materials with Ge electronics.