


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2019 » 4.6 Quantum Optics and Nonlinear Optics

[21a-E214-1~9] 4.6 Quantum Optics and Nonlinear Optics

2019年9月21日(土) 09:00 〜 11:45 E214 (E214)

尾松 孝茂(千葉大)、平野 琢也(学習院大)

09:15 〜 09:30

[21a-E214-2] Flower-shaped modes generation from a tunable optical vortex parametric laser

〇(DC)Roukuya Mamuti1、Shunsuke Goto1、Katsuhiko Miyamoto1,2、Takashige Omatsu1,2 (1.Chiba Univ.、2.MCRC)

キーワード:optical vortex, optical parametric oscillator

Optical vortex beam exhibits a ring-shaped spatial profile andcarries an orbital angular momentum (OAM), characterized by an azimuthal phase term, (ℓ is a topological charge and is the azimuthal angle), and has beenwidely applied in a variety of fields, such asoptical tweezing and manipulation, and material processing. Also, flower-shaped modes, i.e. coherent superposition of optical vortices with different OAM states also receive much attention, because their unique properties provide potentially advanced applications, including optical trapping and quantum optics. The aforementioned applications strongly desire a versatility of wavelength and OAM state to optical vortex sources.
In this presentation, we report on the first demonstration of a tunable vortex laser with versatile flower-shaped modes based on an optical vortex pumped optical parametric oscillator(OPO) formed of a non-critical phase-matching LiB3O5(NCPM-LBO) crystalin a linear cavity configuration with a cavity length of 60 mm.