


コードシェアセッション » 【CS.4】3.15 シリコンフォトニクス、3.16 Optics and Photonics English Sessionのコードシェアセッション

[10a-W331-1~10] CS.4 3.15 シリコンフォトニクス、3.16 Optics and Photonics English Sessionのコードシェアセッション

2019年3月10日(日) 09:15 〜 12:15 W331 (W331)

Guangwei Cong(AIST)、八木 英樹(住友電工)

09:45 〜 10:00

[10a-W331-3] Quantum-Confined Direct-Gap Optical Absorption in Strained GeSn/Ge Multiple-Quantum-Well on Silicon

〇(M1)Kuan-Chih Lin1、Yen-Hsin Lo1、Chi-Wang Im1、Guo-En Chang1 (1.Nat. Chung Cheng Univ.)

キーワード:GeSn, quantum well, absorption

Narrow-bandgap GeSn material system has emerged as a promising platform for efficient Si-based infrared photodetectors (PDs) for a wide range of applications. The realization of high-quality, high Sn-content GeSn alloys using low-temperature growth techniques has led to the development of GeSn-based PDs with extended photodetection range. Here we present a study of the growth and optical characterization of GeSn/Ge multiple-quantum-well (MQW) structures on silicon for efficient PDs on silicon. Clear step-like absorption and excitonic features in responsivity spectrum were observed, confirming quantum-confirment in this novel GeSn/Ge quantum well structure.