


11 超伝導 » 11.1 基礎物性

[11a-S423-1~8] 11.1 基礎物性

2019年3月11日(月) 09:00 〜 11:45 S423 (S423)

山下 太郎(名大)、入江 晃亘(宇都宮大)

10:30 〜 10:45

[11a-S423-4] Growth and Properties of NbN/Cu3PdN Epitaxial Heterostructures

〇(M1)Hirobumi Kyo1、Hidefumi Asano1、Tetsuya Hajiri1、Shumpei Nakamura1 (1.Nagoya Univ.)

キーワード:topological semimetal, superconductor, hetero structure

Cu3PdN has been predicted to be a topological semimatal in recent years. The epitaxial thin film growth tehnology of Cu3PdN films has been successed in 2017. some properties of Cu3PdN films have been meusured but evidences of Cu3PdN to be a topological semimatal were not reported.Ofcourse the band structure can be observed by ARPES measurement, but we prefer to all electronic measurement to find evidences, who's method or structure can be used to be some topological material based devices. In this research Cu3PdN/NbN epitaxial hetero structures were made and some in-plane electronic and magnetic properties ware measured which could open a stage for other researchers to study on this system.