


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.12 ナノ領域光科学・近接場光学

[9p-W621-1~16] 3.12 ナノ領域光科学・近接場光学

2019年3月9日(土) 13:30 〜 18:15 W621 (W621)

岩長 祐伸(物材機構)、久保 若奈(農工大)、梶川 浩太郎(東工大)

14:45 〜 15:00

[9p-W621-5] Phase jumping in multilayer metamaterials

〇(PC)Zhengli Han1、Seigo Ohno2、Hiroaki Minamide1 (1.Riken、2.Tohoku university)

キーワード:metamaterials, phase jumping

Electromagnetic wave experiences phase delay in propagation and also in resonance. The control of electromagnetic wave phase delay is always a fundamental item to build other techniques based on phase information, such as interferometer, sensing, communication, etc. In this paper, we report a phase jumping phenomenon in multilayer metamaterial.