


2 放射線 » 2.2 放射線物理一般・放射線応用・発生装置・新技術

[10a-N206-1~10] 2.2 放射線物理一般・放射線応用・発生装置・新技術

2021年9月10日(金) 09:00 〜 11:45 N206 (口頭)

前畑 京介(帝京大)

11:00 〜 11:15

[10a-N206-8] Application of a direct diode-pumped Ti:sapphire laser to high resolution resonance ionization spectroscopy of Americium and Curium

〇(PC)Volker Thomas Sonnenschein1、Gyo Itsubo1、Koya Hattori1、Nina Kneip2、Dominik Studer2、Matou Stemmler2、Felix Weber2、Hideki Tomita1,3、Klaus Wendt2 (1.Nagoya Univ.、2.Mainz Univ.、3.JST PRESTO)

キーワード:ionization, DPSS, spectroscopy

We recently developed a single-frequency Ti:sapphire oscillator using a multimode InGaN diode pumping system, which replaces the traditionally used expensive Nd:YAG pump source. The oscillator acts as a cost-effective master laser source for a pulsed injection-locked amplifier. The master laser so far has demonstrated a tunable wavelength range of up to 200 nm, output power up to 500 mW and a linewidth below 1 MHz if locked to an external reference cavity. The amplifier generates pulses at a repetition rate of 10 kHz with Fourier-transform limited linewidth of approximately 20 MHz at an average power and peak power of 3 W and 10 kW, respectively. The high peak power allows for easy single-pass frequency conversion to the blue and UV.
A similar system was constructed at Mainz University; here a first demonstration experiment aimed at hyperfine spectroscopy of actinides was carried out at the RISIKO mass separator, using perpendicular beam geometry to minimize Doppler-broadening. First spectroscopy on Americium and Curium samples was performed, resulting in resolved hyperfine spectra of several atomic lines and isotopes. Though the first experiments were interrupted and delayed by the pandemic, measurements have now resumed, and additional results are expected soon.