


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2021 » 4.6 Terahertz Photonics

[12a-N405-1~7] 4.6 Terahertz Photonics

2021年9月12日(日) 09:00 〜 11:30 N405 (口頭)

宮本 克彦(千葉大)

10:45 〜 11:00

[12a-N405-5] Optimization of metasurface design in terahertz microfluidic chips

Kazunori Serita1、Satoshi Kobatake1、Masayoshi Tonouchi1 (1.Osaka Univ.)

キーワード:Terahertz, nonlinear optical crystal, meta-atom

Microfluidics with terahertz waves could result in realizing newly label-free analytical methods. However, the spatial resolution of far-field terahertz waves and their strong absorption into polar solvents have been major problems to develop compact and highly-sensitive terahertz biochips. To overcome these problems, we have proposed and developed a nonlinear optical crystal-based terahertz microfluidic chip with a few arrays of meta-atoms and successfully detected femtomole order of solutes in a picoliter-order solution. In this study, we improved the chip sensitivity by optimizing the structures and arrangement of the metasurfaces. We also investigated the capability of the chip for the ultra-trace sensing of solutions.