


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.1 新物質・新機能創成(作製・評価技術)

[13p-S302-1~15] 10.1 新物質・新機能創成(作製・評価技術)

2021年9月13日(月) 13:30 〜 17:45 S302 (口頭)

関 剛斎(東北大)、長浜 太郎(北大)、葛西 伸哉(物材機構)

14:15 〜 14:30

[13p-S302-4] Morphology and Magneto-Transport Properties of Mn3Sn Films Deposited on High-Temperature Si/SiO2 Substrates Without Post-annealing

Takumi Matsuo1、Tomoya Higo1,2、Satoru Nakatsuji1,2,3,4 (1.Univ. of Tokyo、2.JST-CREST、3.Trans-Quantum Sci. Inst.、4.Johns Hopkins U.)

キーワード:Topological material, Antiferromagnet, Anomalous Hall effect

The Weyl antiferromagnet Mn3Sn has been a popular target of research in recent years, and thin films of the material has garnered attention due to its potential applications in spintronics. In this work, the surface morphology of Mn3Sn thin films fabricated on heated Si/SiO2 substrates without any post-annealing was investigated through AFM measurements and compared with that of post-annealed films. Electrically isolated grains of submicron sizes were observed for films thinner than 20 nm. Hall measurements show that these submicron structures exhibit topological properties characteristic of Mn3Sn.