


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.5 レーザー装置・材料

[21p-P05-1~5] 3.5 レーザー装置・材料

2021年9月21日(火) 15:00 〜 16:40 P05 (ポスター)

15:00 〜 16:40

[21p-P05-5] 高速動作可変形鏡の開発と特性評価:影響関数を取り入れた制御モデルの検討

コスロービアン ハイク1、谷口 誠治1、稲田 順史1、本越 伸二1、藤田 雅之1、則武 卓也3、岩清水 優3、西方 伸吾3、醍醐 浩之3、榊 直人2、月花 智博2、戎崎 俊一2 (1.レーザー総研、2.理研、3.三菱重工業)


A deformable mirror (DM) control model based on the prior determination of the influence functions (IF) of individual piezo-actuators (PAs) in the DM is described for “open-loop” applications. Two control cases, with- and without neglecting the crosstalk effects between the neighboring PAs in the DM, are elucidated. A 19PA DM, a prototype for 61PA DM, has been built, experimentally characterized by the IF control model, and demonstrated by reproducing the individual Zernike polynomials and synthetically generated random wavefronts. It was experimentally demonstrated that when the crosstalk between the neighboring PAs is not negligible, it must be taken into consideration for successful control and operation of the real DM.