


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.3 スピンデバイス・磁気メモリ・ストレージ技術

[20a-B101-1~10] 10.3 スピンデバイス・磁気メモリ・ストレージ技術

2022年9月20日(火) 09:30 〜 12:15 B101 (B101)

鈴木 和也(東北大)、中野 貴文(東北大)

09:45 〜 10:00

[20a-B101-2] Large linear sensitivity of CoFe based CIP-GMR magnetic sensor using metastable bcc Cu spacer and auxiliary biquadratic coupling through Rh spacer

Dolly Taparia1、Kresna Bondan Fathoni1,3、Prabhanjan Dilip Kulkarni1、Srinivasan Ananthakrishnan2、Perumal Alagarsamy1,2、Sakuraba Yuya1,2、Nakatani Tomoya1、Sasaki Taisuke1、Hono Kazuhiro1,3 (1.Res. Cen. for Mag. and Spint. Matr., Nat. Inst. for Matr. Sc., Tsuku., 305-0047, Japan、2.Dept. of Phys., Indian Inst. of Tech. Guwahati, Guwahati, 781-039, India.、3.Grad. Sch. of Pure and Appl. Sc., Univ. of Tsuku., Tsuku., 305-8571, Japan)

キーワード:GMR, Linear Magnetoresistance, Magnetic field sensor, Biquadratic Coupling

Large magnetoresistance (MR) with a linear response to the magnetic field is an important feature in MR devices for magnetic sensor applications. Recently, Fathoni et al. [1] reported the largest MR ratio of 40.5% in trilayer current-in-plane (CIP)-GMR films consisting of antiferromagnetically coupled fully epitaxial all bcc CoFe/ Cu/ CoFe trilayer device. This motivated us to fabricate CIP-GMR films consisting of CoFe(3 nm)/ Rh(0.84 nm)/ CoFe(1.5 nm)/ Cu(1.6 nm)/ CoFe(3 nm)/ MgO(2 nm) on single-crystal MgO (001) substrate to realize large linear sensitivity for practical magnetic sensors. Numerical analysis of the M-H loop established that the middle CoFe sensing layer is well controlled by the interlayer exchange coupling (IEC) through the Rh spacer, giving it a linear response while keeping the high MR ratio of the bcc CoFe/Cu/CoFe trilayer. As a result, linear MR response with an MR ratio of 21%, highest sensitivity of 0.047%/mT and a reduced nonlinearity of 0.98%FS in a sensing field range of 220 mT could be achieved [2,3]. The observed results illustrate that CIP-GMR devices with a combination of different magnetic couplings between CoFe layers using Rh and metastable bcc Cu spacers are promising candidates of magnetic sensors for wide dynamic range.