


4 JSAP-Optica-SPP Joint Symposia 2022 » 4.1 Plasmonics and Nanophotonics

[20p-C304-1~14] 4.1 Plasmonics and Nanophotonics

2022年9月20日(火) 13:30 〜 17:30 C304 (C304)

Verma Prabhat(阪大)、田中 拓男(理研)

17:00 〜 17:15

[20p-C304-13] Poynting Vector Analysis of SoI based Hybrid Plasmonic Rectangular Waveguide

〇(D)Shalini Vardhan1、Ritu Raj Singh1 (1.Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Delhi)

キーワード:Silicon on Insulator, Plasmonic waveguide, Photonic Integrated Circuits

Surface plasmon (SP) mainly referred as quanta of plasma which are the surface electromagnetic waves that travel over the metal dilectric interface. SP waveguide help in achieving optical confinement at nano-meter scale, making it a real optical waveguide for confining light. It also transmit electrical and optical signal along the circuit, bridging the gap between electronics and optics. In this research work, propagation of electric field and magnetic field is studied for hybrid plasmonic rectangular waveguide using SoI technology. A plasmonic rectangular waveguide is taken into consideration. The height and width of the waveguide is represented by hSi and wSi, which are 220 nm, 400 nm respectively to offer the best promising dimension of the proposed design. A thin film of gold (Au) is layered at the top and side walls of the waveguide. Modal analysis of poynting vector is studied, when gold layer is at top of waveguide and at the side walls of the waveguide using cut line at x-axis and y-axis.
The SP waveguide using Au strip at the top and sidewalls of a conventional rectangular waveguide is analyzed using finite element method. The result indicates that the maximum of field intensity is shifting towards Silicon - Au metal interface. Thus, the propagating mode vanishes inside these structures and a dielectric interface between metal and silicon material is needed to reduce the absorption by Au layer.