


15 結晶工学 » 15.4 III-V族窒化物結晶

[21p-B201-1~16] 15.4 III-V族窒化物結晶

2022年9月21日(水) 13:30 〜 18:00 B201 (B201)

片山 竜二(阪大)、船戸 充(京大)、正直 花奈子(三重大)

14:30 〜 14:45

[21p-B201-5] First-principles insight on the atomic arrangement of wurtzite (B, Al, In)0.125Ga0.875N and its implications to crystal stability.

Hiroshi Mizuseki1、〇Jessiel Siaron Gueriba2、Melvin John Fernandez Empizo2、Nobuhiko Sarukura2、Yoshiyuki Kawazoe3,4,5、Kazuhiro Ohkawa6 (1.KIST、2.Osaka Univ.、3.Tohoku Univ.、4.SRM-IST、5.SUT、6.KAUST)

キーワード:crystal structure

Some fluctuations in composition are commonly observed in epitaxial-grown III-V multinary alloys. These fluctuations are attributed to compositional pulling effects and an insight on their atomistic origin is necessary to improve current epitaxial growth techniques. In addition, the crystallinity of III-V multinary alloys varies widely depending on the constituent atoms. Using first principles calculations, we then investigated different geometric configurations of gallium nitride (GaN)-based ternary alloy, X0.125Ga0.875N where X is the minority atom which is either boron (B), aluminum (Al), or indium (In). The minority atoms are presented as two atoms in the simulation cell, and the energetics of five geometric configurations are analyzed to estimate the most stable configuration. For the B0.125Ga0.875N alloy, the most stable configuration is the one where the minority atoms occupy gallium (Ga) sites in a collinear orientation along the c-axis. On the contrary, the configurations along the in-plane direction result in a higher energy state. In0.125Ga0.875N and Al0.125Ga0.875N also show the same trend with a small relative energy difference. These preferential sites of minority atoms are consistent with composition pulling effects in wurtzite nitride phases. Moreover, the degree of crystallinity for wurtzite nitride alloys can be well described by the order of calculated relative energy.