


17 ナノカーボン » 17.3 層状物質

[21p-C202-1~8] 17.3 層状物質

2022年9月21日(水) 15:45 〜 17:45 C202 (C202)

山本 真人(関大)

16:00 〜 16:15

[21p-C202-2] Shift current photovoltaic effect originated from non-centrosymmetric β’-SnS

〇(D)YihRen Chang1、Tomonori Nishimura1、Takashi Taniguchi2、Kenji Watanabe2、Kosuke Nagashio1 (1.UTokyo、2.NIMS)

キーワード:2D materials, shift current

Lack of inversion symmetry give birth to a variety of functionalities. For example, the spontaneous photovoltaic effect, so called shift current, is one of the fascinating properties. However, its conversion efficiency has been largely limited so far in the conventional material systems. Here, monolayer SnS is predicted to show high shift current tensor comparable to Si based solar cell, which attracts the intensive research. Although a strain-stabilized non-centrosymmetric phase, β’ phase, of SnS was grown on mica substrate and its ferroelectricity was demonstrated, the crystallinity is still not high enough. By introducing the van der Waals substrate in PVD growth of SnS, the crystallinity was drastically improved. Taking advantage of this high-quality β’ phase, the bulk photovoltaic effect of SnS is set to be explored in this research.