


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.5 レーザー装置・材料

[25p-D215-1~13] 3.5 レーザー装置・材料

2022年3月25日(金) 13:30 〜 17:00 D215 (D215)

佐藤 篤(東北工大)、鈴木 将之(同志社大)

14:30 〜 14:45

[25p-D215-5] Development of a 2J-Subnanosecond MOPA system

〇Vincent Yahia1,2、Takunori Taira2,1 (1.Inst. of Mol. Sci.、2.RIKEN SPring8)

キーワード:solid-state laser, laser amplifier

We present calculations for the design of a preamplifier module, as a part of a future low-footprint 2J-subnanosecond laser system. The preamplifier is seeded by 10mJ laser beam and must deliver 500mJ after double-pass amplification. Gain calculations including temperature effect on emission-cross section show that this objective is reachable with a total pump power of 6kW and a beam diameter of 4mm. Strong temperature increase in the gain medium makes the energy drop so thorough thermal management is needed.