


13 半導体 » 13.2 探索的材料物性・基礎物性

[15p-A403-1~16] 13.2 探索的材料物性・基礎物性

2023年3月15日(水) 13:00 〜 17:15 A403 (6号館)

鵜殿 治彦(茨城大)、末益 崇(筑波大)、山口 憲司(量研機構)

15:15 〜 15:30

[15p-A403-10] Application of a-SiC Electron Transport Layer in BaSi2 Solar cells

〇(D)Rui Du1、Sho Aonuki1、Hayato Hasebe1、Kazuki Kido1、Haruki Takenaka1、Masami Mesuda2、Kaoru Toko3、Takashi Suemasu3 (1.Univ. of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Science and Technology、2.Tosoh Corp., Advanced Materials Research Laboratory、3.Univ. of Tsukuba, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences)

キーワード:BaSi2, SiC, solar cell

Barium disilicide (BaSi2) is a potential solar cell material. Currently, most BaSi2 solar cells are constructed on wafer-based Si substrates. It is of great importance to form it on inexpensive substates like SiO2. The sputter-deposited BaSi2 films on TiN/SiO2 showed high photoresponsivity exceeding 1 A/W. This result shows the feasibility of n-BaSi2 as a light absorber layer on a cheap TiN/SiO2 substrate. It should be noted that a Schottky barrier height may theoretically be formed when BaSi2 and TiN are in direct contact. Actually, due to the defects at the interface, it didn’t have such a high Schottky barrier height because the high photoresponsivity has been obtained. The defect level and density of n-BaSi2/TiN are not yet clear. It is necessary to optimize the n-BaSi2/TiN interface.
Sputtered a-SiC has a band gap of 2.0 eV and a small qχ of 3.5 eV close to that of BaSi2, confirming the passivation effect on BaSi2. Thus a-SiC can be an ideal choice of electron transport layer (ETL) inserted between n-BaSi2/TiN. We chose p+-BaSi2 as the hole transport layer to solve the problem of the band offset between the BaSi2-based pn junction. The role of a-SiC as an ETL in p+-BaSi2/n-BaSi2/a-SiC/TiN has been confirmed by AFORS-HET. The J-V characteristics of the device are also significantly improved by the a-SiC by AFORS-HET. We have every reason to believe that a-SiC is a suitable ETL material with great application potential for BaSi2-based solar cells. We will further verify and optimize the ETL function of a-SiC in subsequent experiments to achieve device performance comparable to the simulation results.