


15 結晶工学 » 15.4 III-V族窒化物結晶

[15p-B401-1~18] 15.4 III-V族窒化物結晶

2023年3月15日(水) 13:00 〜 18:00 B401 (2号館)

船戸 充(京大)、関口 寛人(豊橋技科大)、飯田 大輔(KAUST)

14:00 〜 14:15

[15p-B401-5] High crystallinity N-polar InGaN layers grown on ScAlMgO4 substrates cleaved along its c-plane

〇(DC)Pavel Sergeyevich Kirilenko1、Mohammed Najmi1、Bei Ma2、Artem Shushanian1、Martin Velazquez-Rizo1、Daisuke Iida1、Kazuhiro Ohkawa1 (1.King Abdullah Univ. of Science and Technology、2.Chiba Univ.)

キーワード:InGaN growth, ScAlMgO4, High crystallinity

Here, we report successful growth of high-crystallinity InGaN layers on ScAlMgO4 (SAM) substrates using metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy. Utilizing SAM substrate’s cleavability along its c-plane, we have prepared atomically flat surface for the InGaN growth. The InGaN layer was grown directly, without any low-temperature buffer layer. The resulting film has thickness of approximately 200 nm and a distinctive hexagonal hillock morphology, which was linked to the film’s N-polarity in the previous work of our group[1]. Using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy, In/(In+Ga) ratio was found to be 17%, which corresponds to the InGaN lattice match with a SAM substrate[2].
Figure 1 shows the InGaN layer characterization using X-ray diffractometer. There, the improvement of the InGaN crystalline quality correlates with the usage of the cleaved SAM substrate, in comparison to as-received substrate, which was polished with 0.2o offset towards m-plane. The calculated threading dislocation densities in the case of sliced SAM substrate are as low as 2.9 × 108 cm–2 and 1.6 × 109 cm–2 in the case of screw-type and edge-type dislocations. Such TD densities are more than one order smaller than in the results of other research groups for InGaN on SAM substrate with similar In content[2,3].