


15 結晶工学 » 15.1 バルク結晶成長

[15p-D419-1~8] 15.1 バルク結晶成長

2023年3月15日(水) 13:30 〜 16:45 D419 (11号館)

横田 有為(東北大)

16:30 〜 16:45

[15p-D419-8] Simple fabrication of anatase nano structures on stainless steel surface

〇(D)Dilan Priyankara Wijekoon1、Masaru Shimomura1 (1.Shizuoka Univ., Grad. School Sci. Technol.)

キーワード:antase nanostructure

Attaching nano structures on to stainless-steel (SS) mesh surface can be advantageous due to higher surface area, low cost, chemical stability, electrical conductivity, flexibility, and heterojunction effect at the iron oxide-anatase interface. Most of procedures that has been followed for synthesizing nanostructures are hydrothermal or sol-gel methods consume time and energy considerably. In this study, a simple and fast procedure that can be used to synthesize various anatase nano structures on stainless-steel mesh surface and, dependance of the morphology of nano structures on some of the parameters: Temperature, humidity, titanium precures, additives, solvents were studied.