


6 薄膜・表面 » 6.2 カーボン系薄膜

[16p-A408-1~18] 6.2 カーボン系薄膜

2023年3月16日(木) 13:00 〜 17:45 A408 (6号館)

阿部 浩之(量研機構)、藤原 正澄(岡山大)、加藤 宙光(産総研)、水落 憲和(京大)

14:15 〜 14:30

[16p-A408-6] Transform-Limited Single Lead-Vacancy Center in Diamond

〇(DC)PENG WANG1、Lev Kazak2、Petr Siyushev2,3、Takashi Taniguchi4、Mutsuko Hatano1、Fedor Jelezko2、Takayuki Iwasaki1 (1.TIEC、2.Ulm Univ.、3.Stuttgart Univ.、4.NIMS)

キーワード:lead-vacancy, transform-limited photons, photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy

Color centers in diamond are considered to be promising candidates for quantum network applications due to their admiring optical and spin properties. Lead-vacancy centers are expected to show high concentration to zero-phonon-line as well as relatively long spin coherence time in the kelvin temperature. We introduced high-pressure and high-temperature annealing and reported the clear ZPLs on the PbV centers. Towards the quantum network applications, in this study, we demonstrate transform-limited photons from a coherent PbV in diamond. The spectroscopic investigation was carried out at ~6 K with our home-built confocal imaging system. We examined a single PbV with Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment. Its excited state lifetime of 4.35 ns was obtained from the decay curve after the 40 MHz 531 nm pulse excitation. The PLE spectrum of the identical PbV gives a linewidth of 39.5 MHz, which is near the Flourier transform-limited linewidth of 36.6 MHz.