The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023

Presentation information

Oral presentation

10 Spintronics and Magnetics » 10.2 Fundamental and exploratory device technologies for spin

[16p-D419-1~18] 10.2 Fundamental and exploratory device technologies for spin

Thu. Mar 16, 2023 1:30 PM - 6:30 PM D419 (Building No. 11)

Kihiro Yamada(Tokyo Tech.), Weinan Zhou(NIMS), Takumi Yamazaki(Tohoku Univ.)

5:30 PM - 5:45 PM

[16p-D419-15] Parametric amplification of magnetization dynamics in magnetic thin disks

〇(D)Geil Emdi1, Tomosato Hioki1,2, Eiji Saitoh1,2,3,4 (1.Dept. Appl. Phys.,Univ. Tokyo, 2.AIMR Tohoku Univ., 3.Inst. AI and Beyond, Univ. Tokyo, 4.JAEA)


Parametric excitation is a non-linear process that has been observed in the past decades over a vast range of physical systems.In magnonic systems, parallel parametric excitation involves the conversion of microwave photons into magnons with half the microwave the systematic investigation of parametric amplification of magnetization dynamics in YIG thin disk. Weak microwave input signal at frequency 1f and the 2f microwave for parallel parametric pump is sent through the sample. Using AC spin pumping and inverse spin-Hall effect (ISHE), the magnetization precession at frequency 1f in the sample generates AC voltage of the same frequency which can be detected. The gain, defined as the ratio of the ISHE voltage with the 2f pump microwave turned on to the voltage without the 2f pump, can then be calculated.We studied the gain dependence on the pump microwave power and phase difference between the input and pump microwave.