


[IX-29-10_12] 遺伝・育種 (IX-午前)

2019年3月29日(金) 10:30 〜 11:00 第IX会場 (8号館8502講義室)

座長:万年 英之(神戸大院農)

10:50 〜 11:00

[IX29-12E] Population genomics approach revealed signatures of selection in Langshan chicken

後藤 達彦1,2, Raman Lawal2,3, John Pool4, Dong-Dong Wu5, Ya-Ping Zhang5,6, Paul Hocking7, David Burt7,8, Olivier Hanotte2,9 (1.帯畜大農, 2.ノッティンガム大, 3.ジャクソン研, 4.ウィスコンシン大, 5.中国科学院, 6.雲南大, 7.ロスリン研, 8.クイーンズランド大, 9.国際家畜研)

To identify candidate regions under positive selection in Langshan showing an extreme phenotype (dark brown eggshell coloration), we report the population genomic analysis of full genome sequences of two chicken breeds (Langshan n = 8 and Kedu Hitam n = 10) and their wild ancestor (Red Junglefowl n = 5). Total of 32,562,920 single nucleotide polymorphisms on chromosomes 1-28 were detected using average of 6.9-fold genome coverage per bird (galGal5). The genetic differentiation index (Fst) among three populations and population branch excess (PBE) were calculated in 10 kb sliding 20-kb windows (total 92,168 windows). Genomic regions with higher PBE values are likely candidate regions where Langshan-specific positive selection occurred. We found 36 significant windows above a threshold (PBE > 0.8) and these windows define 20 candidate regions on chromosomes 1-6. Seven eggshell color quantitative trait locus (QTL) which were reported by four different QTL mapping studies overlap 13 candidate regions on chromosomes 2-6. These results indicate the potential of population genomics approaches to understand the genetic basis of phenotypic diversity in chicken.