


[S10] 進化的観点から見つめる微生物

2021年3月25日(木) 15:45 〜 18:15 チャンネル2

コンビーナー:垣内 力(岡山大学),市橋 伯一(東京大学)

共催:新学術領域研究『進化の制約と方向性 ~微生物から多細胞生物までを貫く表現型進化原理の解明~』

[S10-4] 人工自己複製RNAとそれに寄生するRNAとの共進化は多様性をもたらす

○市橋 伯一1,2,3 (1東京大学大学院総合文化研究科,2東京大学先進科学研究機構,3東京大学生物普遍性研究機構)

To understand a possible evolutionary process toward present-day living organisms, we have constructed an evolvable RNA replication system in an artificial cell-like structure and are investigating the evolutional process through a long-term replication experiment. The first interesting phenomenon that we observed is the appearance of parasitic RNA, which lost the replicase gene encoded in the original RNA and thus has to rely on the replicase produced from other RNAs. The parasitic RNA produces oscillating population dynamics. The original RNA (i.e., host RNA) next evolved to be resistant to the parasitic RNA by changing the encoded replicase, and then a new type of parasite, which overcomes the host resistance, appeared. Again, the host RNA developed a new method to be resistant to the new parasite, and then a different parasite appeared to infect the new host. In this manner, the evolutionary arms race occurred between host and parasitic RNAs. This coevolutionary process also produced diversity in the host and parasitic species. The host and parasitic RNAs diverged into two lineages and coexist for a long period. These results suggest that coevolution with parasitic entities allows the continuous evolution, producing the diversity of self-replicating species. Parasites may play an important role in the evolution of life.