


[W8] ワークショップ8

2022年3月31日(木) 13:05 〜 15:05 チャンネル2

コンビーナー:杉田 隆(明治薬科大学),田邊 公一(龍谷大学)


[W8-3] 新たな抗真菌薬感受性試験の開発に向けて

田邊 公一1,名木 稔2,3,宮崎 義継2 (1龍谷大・農,2国立感染研・真菌部,3国立感染研・薬剤耐性研究センター)

The increased number of immune-compromised individuals due to HIV infection, population aging, and advanced medical care, such as organ transplantation, has increased opportunities for systemic infections by Candida spp. The spread of acquired resistance in pathogenic yeasts as well as persistent issues of intrinsic resistance require more efficient Antifungal susceptibility testing (AFST) .
Current AFST methods are based on growth inhibition in the presence of an antifungal, and takes long time (~48h) to evaluate the susceptibility of the strains. However, it was the commonly accepted idea that rapid determination of proper antifungal drugs in addition to the rapid diagnosis leads to improved prognosis. We introduce several new AFST methods under development, and our trial to develop an easy and fast AFST.